benefits of reading-Surah An-Nisa
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Benefits of Reading Surah An-Nisa

Surah An-Nisa, the fourth surah of the Quran, has been given great importance since it covers a diverse range of topics that can if understood and implemented in daily life, help with laying a strong foundation for a prosperous society and personal growth.

But what about spiritual benefits? Does it provide any spiritual benefits? Let’s explore both the worldly and spiritual advantages of reciting surah An-Nisa Verse, both along with other surahs and alone.

reading surah an nisa ayat

In a hadith, Hazrat Umar Farooq (May Allah Be Pleased With Him) said that whoever recites Surah Al-Baqarah, Surah Nisa and Surah Al-Imran, will be written in the sight of Allah as one of the people of wisdom.


Surah An-Nisa holds great significance when it comes to rewards and blessings. In the hadith of Sunan At-Tirmidhi,  Abdullah ibn Mas’ud reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Whoever recites a letter from the Book of Allah, he will receive one good deed as ten good deeds like it.”

Surah An-Nisa contains 176 verses, 3763 words, and 16332 letters. If one considers the blessings that can be obtained from reading this Surah, he can only imagine how many blessings he might receive.

Strengthening Faith

In Surah An-Nisa, numerous verses highlight the mercy of Allah. It gives a sense of Allah’s power over every living and non-living thing in this world.

By contemplating its teachings and incorporating them into their lives, believers can deepen their understanding of Islam, cultivate a stronger sense of spirituality, and develop a more profound connection with Allah.

When one has a strong faith and is reassured that Allah is there, always watching him and protecting him, he feels peace and tranquillity.

By reminding readers of Allah’s sovereignty and His promise of guidance and support to those who seek it, the Surah instils a sense of hope, resilience, and reliance on faith, helping individuals navigate life’s trials with patience and steadfastness.

Unity and Brotherhood

Surah An-Nisa addresses various subjects, including the importance of unity among Muslims. In this chapter, Allah tells us that we all are essentially related. It emphasizes the rights of fellow believers, such as women, slaves, and orphans.

Implementing these rights can foster unity among Muslims and contribute to the formation of a strong Muslim community.

Furthermore, Surah An-Nisa addresses issues related to interpersonal relationships, such as marriage, inheritance, and the treatment of orphans and widows. Through its guidance on these matters, the Surah promotes harmony, empathy, and empathy, fostering stronger bonds within families and communities and nurturing a spirit of unity and solidarity among believers.

Guidance for a Righteous Life

Surah An-Nisa encompasses numerous guidelines and regulations outlining the ideal conduct for believers. It imparts moral lessons and ethical principles concerning the treatment of orphans and individuals of lower social standing. Now it’s on us to read it and understand it to live a righteous life.

Guidance in the Face of Adversity

Surah An-Nisa features numerous historical narratives aimed at imparting lessons to Muslims and readers on navigating challenges and hardships. Therefore, it is crucial not only to read but also to comprehend the teachings embedded within this surah.

Moreover, Surah An-Nisa emphasizes the importance of maintaining steadfastness and perseverance in the face of adversity. It reminds believers that difficulties are a test of their faith and character and encourages them to remain firm in their beliefs and values, regardless of the circumstances.

Rights of Women

The Prophet (peace be upon him) once said Fear Allah regarding women. Verily you have married them with the trust of Allah and made their bodies lawful with the word of Allah. You have got (rights) over them, and they have got (rights) over you in respect of their food and clothing according to your means.”

This chapter explicitly addresses the rights of women and outlines guidelines for their fair treatment. It also discusses repercussions if they wrong others, emphasizing the potential for fostering harmonious family dynamics when these principles are upheld.

Solution to the Inheritance

surat an-nisa Solution to the inheritance

Hazrat Abdullah Bin Abbas (May Allah Be Pleased With Him) narrated that a person who recites Surah Nisa will know who is deprived of inheritance and who is not deprived of whom.

This chapter not only offers guidance on the equitable distribution of inheritance among the children of a deceased individual but also emphasizes the importance of treating orphans with kindness and safeguarding their assets.

Solution of Legal Issues

This chapter addresses various social issues prevalent in society, including theft, jihad, divorce, and causing harm to others. Through narratives of past individuals, it guides how to navigate these challenges, offering a framework for establishing peace and ensuring safety within a community.

Wazifa from Surah An-Nisa

There is a hadith in Bukhari that goes “Allah has not sent down any disease but He has also sent down a cure for it.” In the subcontinent, it is widely believed that the entire Quran can be utilized for this purpose.

While it is true that the Quran can be used as a treatment for many spiritual and physical diseases, no hadith verifies that reading Surah An-Nisa( specifically) can be used for any such purpose. But it is said if one reads it over the water and drinks it, it can prevent that person from adultery since it talks about it. However, this claim lacks strong validation and requires further verification.


In conclusion, reciting Surah An-Nisa offers numerous benefits for strengthening one’s faith. By contemplating its teachings incorporating them into their lives, and learning the Quran believers can deepen their understanding of Islam, cultivate a stronger sense of spirituality, and develop a more profound connection with Allah.

Ultimately, Surah An-Nisa serves as a source of inspiration and guidance for Muslims on their journey towards spiritual growth and enlightenment.

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